About Me
Hi, this is Yiwei Ye, my friends also call me Eric. I'm a current graduate student in UT Austin major in Civil Engineering. I came to Texas since August 2019 after I finished my master's degree in Beijing.
As a Civil Engineer, my research involves the grouting and thermal problems of porous media, but appearently my interest does not stop here.
道友你好,这里是叶懿尉的主页。2019年八月开始我离开求学七年的北京,来到了 德州大学奥斯汀分校 开始了奇妙的探险之旅,顺道读一个土木工程学博士学位,研究内容主要是玩泥巴。
除了热爱玩泥巴,我在研究之余也做一些我感到有趣的项目(例如这个网站)和任何需要动手的东西,例如家电维修,汽修,木工,砖瓦工(手工耿奥斯汀分耿)。 因此家里所有坏掉的电器我妈都保存了下来以待有一天我回去维修。热爱手工的另一个原因和孔子很像————“吾少也贱,故多能鄙事。 君子多乎哉?不多也。”
长发男青年互助协会创始者, 摇滚乐狂热(叶公好龙)爱好者,为此数度拿起(同时数度放下)吉他,唯一长期坚持的事情就是半途而废。 过分旺盛的好奇心加上涣散的注意力使得我像一个进了玉米地,见一个掰一个的狗熊,以至于我最专业的事情就是不务正业。
About This Blog
This blog was an adventurous decision.
I've been coding with python to achieve automated data processing, analysis and visualization for 3 years for my research project, and gradually I realized how powerful programming can be. Thus I decided to explore and see what I can do with it. At this moment, I was inspired by my friend Frank, who develped his blog a while ago. Then here we are.
In this blog, I will be sharing my research, some cool projects I do, my random thought and my life.
This blog is writen with basic Html-CSS-JS structure, which is relatively simple, I'll keep working on this and try different "tricks" to see how far we can go.